St. Joseph Parish Council
Parish Council is a group of people who together are representing the entire parish and who plan and guide its growth. They are chosen by the parish to join with the Vicar in a special service of long-range planning, the setting of parish priorities, and the implementation of programs. General membership of the Council includes Vicar, lay people elected by the parish, and special appointees. Together all members of the parish share the responsibility to carry on the work of Jesus in all its dimensions – proclaiming the gospel, worship, social justice, and building Christian community.
Parish Council 2022-2024
Mission Director | Fr. Royson Menolickal | Cell: 917-345-2610 |
Trustees | Joy AlappattBenny Parackal | Cell: 914-714-1697Cell: 347-416-4470 |
Pastor Council | Joshi Thelliyankal | Cell: 914-552-4610 |
CCD | Bobby VandanathJijo Valiamplackal | Cell: 914-645-4134Cell: 914-572-5752 |
Outreach | Philanta Valiamplackal Alex (Suresh) Mundackall | Cell: 914-334-2122 Cell: 845-518-2734 |
Liturgy | Paul Kandamkulam | Cell: 914-715-6202 |
Eucharistic Ministers | Paul KandamkulamJohn Thanathan | Cell: 914-715-6202Cell:914-426-6573 |
Altar Serving & Reading | Molly Adukuzhiyil | Cell: 914-356-296 |
Church Beautification | George Thadathil | Cell: 914-787-9682 |
Food | James Veliyathu | Cell: 914-310-6118 |
Maintenance | Rosamma Padinjarayil | Cell: 914-602-8527 |
Ushers | John Thanathan | Cell: 914-426-6573 |
Youth | Joseph Pottayil | Cell: 914-573-2040 |